The Silent Language of Love
Written on 5:40 AM by Anonymous
Stance, glance & advance. Is she available? Is the face worth saving? Pick-ups, AC & DC. Choose your posture.
Looks & brilliance doesn't matters much in getting a girl...Something far more superior... The unconscious command of body language. When a man saunters into a room he signals his message. ' I'm available, I'm masculine. I'm aggressive & knowledgeable.' & when he zeroes in on his chosen subject, the signals go, ' I'm int rested in you. You attract me. There's something exciting about you & i want to find out what is it.'
Appeal, non-verbal clarity, is compounded on many things. His appearance to transmit his message. There is, when you look at him carefully, a definite sexuality about him. 'Of course,' A knowing woman will say, 'His a very sexy man.' But sexy how? Not in his features. Pressed further, the woman will explain, 'it's something about him, something he has, a sort of aura.'
It's actually nothing of the sort, nothing so vague as an aura. In part it's the way he dresses, the type of trousers he chooses, his shirts & jackets & ties, the way he combs his hair, the length of his sideburns - these all contribute to the immediate picture, but even more important than this is the way he stands & walks. One woman describe it as an 'easy grace'. A man who knew him was not so kind, 'He's greasy'. What came through as pleasing to the women was transmitted as disturbing, challenging & therefore distasteful to the man, & hence reacted by characterizing the quality contemptuously. Yet, he does move with grace, an arrogant sort of grace that could well arouse a man's envy & a woman's excitement. The message can be broken down into his stance, postures, & the easy confidence of his motion. The man who has that walk needs little less else to turn a woman's head. Even little gestures perhaps unconscious ones, that send out elaborations of his sexual message.
When He leans against a mantelpiece in a room to look around at the women, his hips are thrust forwards slightly, as if they were cantilevered, & his legs are usually apart. There is something in this stance that spells sex. Watch him when he stand like this. He will lock his thumbs in his belt right above the pockets, & his fingers will point down towards his genitals. A posture commonly seen in Western movies, where the sexy & bad villain pasteurizes. On a Minor scale compare to such movie villains, the message sends out is the same:
' I am a sexual threat. I am a dangerous man for a woman to be alone with. I am all man and I want you!'
Check this cute ad. "I love you."