Here’s the deal: I’m judging you based on appearances, and so is everyone else. Not only is it happening, but I argue that it should happen, that it’s right to judge people based on appearances. It doesn’t matter if you think it’s unfair, or you think I’m a cold-hearted ass. You can get up in arms if you want, but it won’t affect anything.
I’m not talking about race or gender. I’m talking about your outward appearances. Your clothing. Your style. Maybe your hair.
Judging Book Covers
I can already hear the voice of dissent: “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Well, I do judge books based on their covers, and so do you. When you walk into the bookstore, there are thousands of books, with hundreds (at least) in any given section. You can’t tell me that you look through every single Sci Fi book, or every single mystery book, before you decide what to buy. The sheer number of books would be overwhelming if you tried to “properly” evaluate every one. So you optimize. You look at covers. You read the titles. Out of the hundreds of books, you might pick up half a dozen, at most, and glance through them. You pick up maybe one percent to actually look through, probably even less than that.
Well, the same rules apply to people. We interact with too many people to really get to know them all. We optimize and judge based on appearances, just like we do with books. Go ahead and deny it if you want. You can cling to an idea of “fairness” that requires that everyone be judged based on “who they are” if that’s what you want. But it’ll make you a hypocrite. Just like you have to judge books based on their covers, purely as an optimization, you also have to judge people on appearances. You don’t have the time to get to know everyone. Even if you did, they wouldn’t all have the time.
Why People Judge You Based on Appearances
Aside from the fact that there are so many people that judging people becomes a necessity, there’s one other basic reason why people judge your appearances. It’s the same reason that I say it’s good to judge based on appearances.
You choose what appearance to present.
If you’re wearing a suit, you chose to put on that suit. If you’re wearing torn jeans and a “witty” t-shirt that’s worn around the neck, you chose to put on those clothes. You picked out what you’d put on for the day. Why wouldn’t I judge you based on your choices?
If you wear a baseball cap and everyday clothes to an interview, your potential employer is going to assume that either you’re an idiot, or you don’t really care. In either case, you’re not who they want. If you’d worn a suit, you’d appear as if you cared. You’d look like a professional.
If you’re a guy with long hair, it says something about you. Depending on how groomed it is, it might say you’re laid back, or it might say you’re lazy and a slacker. I’m not telling you to cut your hair. I’m just saying that it’s sending out a message. You are sending out a message.
What is the origin of the increasing lack of communication between parents and their children?
As a child, the less our parents pay attention to us, to more bizarre our behavior becomes. What do we feel when our parents doesn't look at us? What are the effects of the lack of the Eyes Of The Parent on the child?
The child feels great, bigger in spirit, with an ever increasing sense of power and ability to deal with problems he or she may face Children are going to be faced with decisions about drugs, smoking, alcohol, sex, spraying graffiti, gang membership. When the child feel elevated, he or she will have the strength of character to stand up to these temptations, to resist dares and do what he or she knows is right.
Self esteem units are gained. The child feels important, people really do care, it makes a difference what a parents do, if parents do something wrong, it does matter the child feels that he or she has a real effect on their world. They see themselves as a leader or someone others are taking their Permitteds from.
The child gains a sense of what they have to give. It is not just parents that have something to give. Children can give self esteem units, give love, protect others, be a leader. When the parent looks at the child he or she feels that what they say or do matters.
anyhow, parents please lay an eye on ur kids and show them ur love...
Have you ever felt as if you and your parents are getting further and further away from each other? I mean as in your relationships... Times when you were a small kid.. compared to your college self now... It's as if the stuff that we can babble about is becoming more and more little... I personally think that this is very common nowadays as the communication between the child and parent is decreasing as the days go by... This however, is the fault of both parties..
The Child The phrase "you ruin my life" often occur not only in many dramas today that involves a conflict between a typical teenager today and his/her but almost in every teenagers life... Teenagers nowadays blame their parents for not giving them enough freedom and stuff like that.. However, before making a statement as harsh as "you ruin my life"... have you ever thought about it first.. I mean.. if this is true, would your parents even bother giving you education... what the heck... WOULD YOUR PARENTS EVEN BOTHER TO RAISE U UP?? they could just dump you somewhere and a HUGE burden would be off their shoulders
The Parents Some parents i must say... Still treat their teenage child as a 6 year old.. they simply cant accept the fact that their little boy/girl has grown to become a hairy adult... These parents are too protective of their children and hence, their children would not be so comfortable to talk to their parents about anything at all..
How To Solve This Problem? SPEND MORE TIME TOGETHER.. talk about stuff... be open.. let both parties know what the problem is... parents need to let go of their children and not be so protective of their children.. give them space to grow... and to the sons/daughters... KNOW that your parents LOVE you no matter what..
Basically, this whole post is about the importance of communication... After seeing a show in class today, i finally realized how really IMPORTANT communication is.... so, i just had to write something regarding this relationship thing
The look-&-away stare is reminiscent of the problem we face in adolescence in terms of our hands. What do we do with them? Where do we hold them? Amateur actors are also made conscious of this. They are suddenly aware of their hands as awkward appendages that must somehow be used gracefully & naturally.
In the same way, in certain circumstances, we become aware of our glances as awkward appendages. Where shall i look? What shall we do with our eyes?
Two strangers seated across from each other in a railway dinning-car have the option of introducing themselves & facing a meal of inconsequential & perhaps boring talk, or ignoring each other's glance. Cornelia Otis Skinner, describing such a situation in an essay, wrote, 'They reread the menu, they fool with the cutlery, they inspect their own fingernails as if seeing them for the first time. Comes the inevitable moment when glances meet, but they meet only to shoot instantly away & out the window for an intent view of the passing scene.'
This same awkward eye dictates our looking behaviour in elevators & crowded buses & subway trains. When we get on an elevator or train with a crowd we look briefly away at once without locking glances. We say, with our look, we say with our look, ' i see you. I do not know you, but you are human & i will not stare at you.'
If our eyes do meet we can sometimes mitigate the message with a brief smile. The smile must not be too long or too obvious. It must say, "i am sorry we have looked, but we both know it was an accident.'
We often use this look-&-away technique when we meet famous people. We want to assure them that we are respecting their privacy, that we would not dream of staring at them. The same is true of the crippled or physically handicapped. We look briefly & then look away before the stare can be said to be a stare. It is the technique we use for any unusual situation where too long a stare would be embarrassing. When we see an inter-racial couple we use this technique. We might use it when we see a man with an unusual bear, with extra long hair, with outlandish clothes, or a girl with a minimal miniskirt may attract this look-&-away.
Of course, the opposite is also true. If we wish to put a person down we may do so by staring longer than is acceptably polite. Instead of dropping our gazes when we lock glances, we continue to stare. The person who disapproves of inter-racial marriage or dating will stare rudely at the inter-racial couple. If he dislikes long hair, short dresses or beards he may show it with a longer than-acceptable stare.
With unfamiliar human beings, when we acknowledge their humanness, we must avoid staring at them, & yet we must also avoid ignoring them. To make them into people rather than objects, we use a deliberate & polite inattention. We look at them long enough to make it quite clear that we see them, & then we immediately look away. In, body language, we're saying, 'i know you're there,' & a moment later we add, 'But i would not dream of intruding on your privacy.'
The important thing in such an exchange is that we do not catch the eye of the person. We look at him without locking glances, & then we immediately look away. Recognition is not permitted.
There are different formulas for the exchange of glances depending on where the meeting takes place. If you pass someone in the street you may eye the oncoming person till eight feet apart, then you must look away as you pass. Before the eight-foot distance is reaches, each will signal in which direction he will pass. This is done with a brief look in that direction. Each will veer slightly, & the passing is done smoothly.
Sometimes the rules are hard to follow, particularly if one of the two people wears dark glasses. It becomes impossible to discover just what they are doing. Are they looking at you too long, too intently? Are they looking at you at all? The person wearing them feels protected & assumes that he can stare without being noticed in his staring. However, this is a self deception. To the other person, dark glasses seem to indicate that the wearer is always staring at him.
Interpersonal communication usually involves two people communicating.. When we communicate with different people, the stuff that we talk can differ from one person to another.
For example, you don't go talking to your parents and your friends about the same stuff.. somehow, there is a sort of invisible barrier.. it can be a thicker barrier or a thinner barrier depending of who we are talking to...
Thesebarriers however, can act as a chain that can hold your friendship together.. or it can be an evil thing that can destroy your friendship
One of the main characteristics about interpersonal communication in class that day.. was meta communication which is mainly about communication about communication... think about it.. when was the last time YOU had a communication about communication... After human comm class that day.. I went home and started a communication about communication with my family.. and i found out that it has really helped strengthen our bonds.. By actually having these types of conversation, one can actually avoid misunderstandings and even reinforce relationships So... after reading this post, go home now and think about it...
If you�ve been through some forms of relationship, then you�ve likely seen a pattern that appears to recur with each one of them. A relationship with a guy usually starts as wonderful. This is at least for the first few months. This however regresses into the inevitable problems as the relationship moves on.
It could all start by him becoming uninteresting or remote. Due to this you may start to wonder if he�s seeing any girls on the side. When this happens you can�t seem to get through to him as effortlessly as before.
Check out the three common bad types of relationships presented below and see if they are recognizable.
Bad Relationship #1 � The �Instant� Relationship
If you ever catch yourself dating worrying why a guy you just dated for a few weeks hasn�t been returning your calls then it would help if you give yourself a good smack in the head. It doesn�t stop there; more often than not you would also think that he might be seeing other women. You in turn will make a fuss every time he doesn�t keep in touch with you. This, my darling is what we call an �instant� relationship. You have more chances of hitting the lottery than having a happy ending.
For the first few weeks of a relationship a man is most likely only in it for the fun and good times. No man is ever going to immediately think that you are �the one.� Neither is he going to toy with the idea about settling down with you. You must be careful during this time. If you act very clingy and fuss over petty things, then this could possibly lead him to the conclusion that you�re one of those stereotypical women who rush into relationships. This is a definite turn off.
Bad Relationship #2 � The Convincer/Resistor Relationship
Most women conjure about the things they could do to persuade their men to do certain things. Things such as committing to a more meaningful relationship or improve undesirable behavior. Women who try to do this, intentionally or not, only succeed in driving their man away. Here�s why.
How will you take it if your man suddenly tells you that your values, lifestyle, and misgivings were incorrect? Naturally you will think that he�s mad and he plainly doesn�t understand you. I�m quite sure you�d start having qualms about settling down with a man who can�t see eye to eye with you.
Sorry to say, this kind of thing is a two way street.
I believe there are two separate kinds of cases where a person deserves forgiveness from another person, or, to put it from the other perspective, where a person ought to forgive someone else.
The first is fairly easy (though it may be more a case of "excusing" rather than "forgiving"; I am not sure): One ought to forgive (or excuse) someone else when they do something wrong that is perfectly easy to "understand" their doing and which most people or all people in their position would probably have done too. If you put a glass of milk next to the plate of a three year old, on the side that he eats from, the odds are very good, he will spill the glass of milk. If he is sorry or upset about spilling the milk, you should immediately forgive him and explain about where the glass should have been in the first place -- out of the way of his elbow while he was eating. The adult case I like to point to in this regard is the one where a motorist, making a left turn from your right, inadvertently pulls out in front of you to cross your lane, after stopping and looking right at you while obviously not seeing you. Usually s/he pulls out nonchalantly right in front of you with you driving right at his door -- then perhaps suddenly sees you and drops his mouth open with his eyes bugged out in terror because he realizes he has dangerously really screwed up. Or he may not ever see you -- the last person that did this to me was a cop; and he never even realized he nearly just got himself killed. This is different from the case of someone who intentionally tries to cut you off or cuts in front of you; and it is usually obvious which case is which. I immediately forgive anyone who pulls the inadvertent stunt because I understand it is just some sort of human error, not some selfish or malicious character flaw. I don't even get mad; but often find it even amusing -- as long as no one gets hurt.
Now, not every wrong is one out of "human nature" that deserves immediate forgiveness; and, of course, one cannot continuously make the same mistake and point to human nature. Humans are supposed to learn from their mistakes, not keep repeating them with absolutely no attempt to improve.
The second kind of case of forgiveness is, I think, the more interesting and more of what we have been discussing; the case where someone has done something wrong and where he ought to have known better and has no excuse (such as insanity or brain tumor or threat to a loved one, etc.) or justification of any sort for his action. I think in such a case, the following 4 R's are required for him to deserve forgiveness; and if these 4 R's are met, he deserves to be forgiven: >
1) Regret or remorse 2) Repentance 3) Restitution or repayment or redress 4) Rehabilitation
We tend to associate the word hatred with the notion of a dangerous curse we need to free ourselves of as quickly as we can. An opinion also frequently voiced is that hatred poisons our very being and makes it all but impossible to heal the injuries stemming from our childhood. I take a very different view of this matter, and this has led to frequent misunderstandings. Accordingly, my attempts to cast light on the phenomenon of hatred and to subject the concept to more searching scrutiny have not yet been very successful.
I too believe that hatred can poison the organism, but only as long as it is unconscious and directed vicariously at substitute figures or scapegoats. When that happens, hatred cannot be resolved.
Hatred is only a feeling, albeit a very strong and assertive one. Like any other feeling, it is a sign of our vitality. So if we try to suppress it, there will be a price to pay. Hatred tries to tell us something about the injuries we have been subjected to, and also about ourselves, our values, our specific sensitivity. We must learn to pay heed to it and understand the message it conveys. If we can do that, we no longer need to fear hatred. If we hate hypocrisy, insincerity, and mendacity, then we grant ourselves the right to fight them wherever we can, or to withdraw from people who only trust in lies. But if we pretend that we are impervious to these things, then we are betraying ourselves.
The almost universal, but in fact highly destructive, injunction to forgive our "trespassers" encourages such self-betrayal. Religion and traditional morality constantly prize forgiveness as a virtue, and in numerous forms of therapy it is erroneously recommended as a path to "healing." But it is easy to demonstrate that neither prayer nor auto-suggestive exercises in "positive thinking" are able to counteract the body's justified and vital responses to humiliations and other injuries to our integrity inflicted on us in early childhood. The martyrs' crippling ailments are a clear indication of the price they had to pay for the denial of their feelings. So would it not be simpler to ask whom this hatred is directed at, and to recognize why it is in fact justified? Then we have a chance of living responsibly with our feelings, without denying them and paying for this "virtue" with illnesses.
Women love to be loved. Married women are especially in need to be desired and taken care of. This is one fact that most people will agree with.
However, will a woman take anything just to enjoy that love and desire? What if she is an unhappy married woman? Will the wife cheat on her husband just to get the attention she wanted?
Today, the phenomenon of wives cheating on their husbands has become more felt. Most of the experts in the field today can claim that the incidence of women cheating on their husbands have increased up to 50%.
Cheating Wives
Many people will wonder why women now are capable of cheating on their husbands. There are many possible reasons why women cheat on their husbands but it can all boil down to the fact of a husband neglecting the wife.
When the husband gets too busy on his work, all his time will be focused on such tasks. His time is spent more on making money to be a good bread winner. However, this can cause him to ignore the wife.
With the little attention and time given, the wife may resent such. She may get very frustrated. She may resent this lack of attention and thus start looking in other people for the things she needs.
How Do Wives Cheat Their Husbands?
There are various ways by which a woman can cheat on her husband. The wife can make use of her creativity and resourcefulness. This is especially easier if the husband is always away.
The housewives have more time on their hands. After managing all the work in the house, they can easily come up with various opportunities to play the field.
Cheating wives can also come up with different excuses just to do their little adventures. They can sneak off when they go shopping for grocery. She can even claim to attend dancing lessons or work out on the gym.
Some of these cheating wives can take the extent of using everything their husbands worked hard for to finance their expeditions. Cheating wives could use the credit cards of the husband just to buy gifts to their lovers.
Most people would think that if the couple has kids, the wife will have a more difficult time to cheat. However, this fact can even be manipulated. The kids can be used as an excuse to go to any place.
The wife can pretend to go to school and wait for the kids when in fact she will make a detour along the way.
The situation can even get worse if the wife develops a habit out of this infidelity. The cheating wife can develop a confidence that can make her flirt with just about anybody. This will very much affect the reputation of the family.
It is even possible for some cheating wives to chase after men who are close to her husband or the family. There are incidences where the wife cheats with the best friend or the brother of the husband.
Addressing the Fact of Cheating Wives
Definitely, there is nothing good in cheating. It can ruin the relationship of the husband and wife. It will surely affect the kids. It can also hurt friends and relatives.
There are consequences that cannot anymore be repaired. Some wives only want to make their husbands jealous. However, most husbands will not take it simply. They can get furious, or even to some extent violent.
It is not easy to expect forgiveness in such situations. It can lead to separation and estrangement. Thus, it is very important to address the problem of cheating wives as early as possible.
It is important to always take care of the relationship. The husband and the wife must constantly communicate with each other. They must spend quality time with each other.
The wife must open up to the husband. The husband must listen to the wife. This way, they can avoid getting estranged and taking the wrong paths.
There may be incidences of cheating wives today. However, this should not be taken as a phenomenon that will establish itself in the society. This is a problem that must be addressed, for the sake of the family and for the sake of society.
It has been said that eyes are the windows to the soul. In nonverbal behavior, the eyes play a significant role in communication. They usually convey internal feelings and accentuate other body movements. Out of all the other facial structures, the eyes have the ability to do the most. For example, one can glance, stare, peek, blink, peer, gaze, roll, wink, raise and lower (eyebrows). Most importantly, eyes have the ability to convey ones true characteristics, attitudes, and feelings about people than verbal behavior. Ironically, while gazing may show strong emotions, it rarely lasts over three seconds before the person feels uncomfortable and breaks away.
Presently, there are many people who use facial expression and especially eye movements to infer information about a persons thinking, honesty, and reaction. The interrogation method of the police, for example, depends heavily on where a persons eyes shift during a question. See The Negotiator clip. Even an FBI agent, Joe Navarro, states, 'What gives police officers away in a roomful of people is their habit of look too intently ad too carefully at others.' Another way of telling someones disposition is by how they blink their eyes. The normal person blinks 20 times per minute, each lasting a fourth of second. Someone under stress or nervous, on the other hand, will blink significantly higher.
in conclusion, one's eye contact tells a lot.. be wise..
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. Woman are not easy people to communicate!
1- Women never say what they really mean.
Instead of directly expressing a point or asking a question (as men do), a woman will talk all around a subject, expecting men to somehow decipher what she wants or needs.
For her, being indirect is a way of life. A woman would rather talk and talk and talk, and let men play guessing games rather than come to the point. Here are some examples:
When she says, "It's your decision," what she really means is, "You'd better know what I really want and give it to me right now."
When she says, "Go ahead, do what you want," she really means, "I don't want you to, and you're going to pay for this later." This is woman's communication.
2- Women focus on talking, not finding solutions. Since they aren't used to taking action, women talk instead of seeking out solutions to problems . What's more, women think that any problem can be solved by simply talking about it.
So instead of making decisions, they will endlessly catalog alternatives, seeking advice from anyone and everyone -- then never act upon any of the suggestions.
When it finally does come time to make a decision, a woman will often turn to a man. But if he chooses wrong -- meaning if he selects an option that isn't what she really wants -- she will pout and bitch and punish him for not knowing her unspoken true desires .
3- Women think with their emotions. Because they are driven by hormones, female thought patterns are far divorced from logic. Women love to indulge themselves in feelings and impressions -- this is why their behavior is so often erratic, moody and irrational.
They think and speak in estrogen .
What's more, they have the frustrating ability to think in two directions at once, each diametrically opposed to the other, so nothing ever gets done. Often they will say one thing, then actually do the complete opposite, or take meaning entirely out of context and jump to emotion-based conclusions.
For example, if a man says to a woman, "I like your hair," she'll come back with, "You mean you didn't like it before? You're embarrassed of me, aren't you? You think I'm ugly. You don't want to be seen with me."
So woman ain't simple!! Feel and Understand them. Communication would be easier with woman =]
In psychology and the cognitive sciences, perception is the process of attaining awareness or understanding of sensoryinformation. It is a task far more complex than was imagined in the 1950s and 1960s, when it was predicted that building perceiving machines would take about a decade, a goal which is still very far from realizable. The word perception comes from the Latin perception, percepio, , meaning "receiving, collecting, action of taking possession, apprehension with the mind or senses
Well basically, in my words.. perceptions are what others judge you... I remember back in high school... i wasnt always the brightest kid and stuff like that... i had hair a little longer than the other kids and my gang of friends obviously were the erm... more 'outgoing' people... teachers always prejudge us cause we dont tuck in our shirts and stuff like that.. they always think that we would fail in our subjects and bla bla bla.. well guess what... we did relatively good OK.. anyway.. what im saying is... dont prejudge others..
Like Bill Gates.. he was this nerdy guy in school.. who would have thought of him making billions or even trillions of dollars now... so guess what... the nerdy guy in your class.. might just be your next boss
Communication, is serious business, and the breakdown in communication could bring in catastrophe.However, there is a touch of humor in the breakdown of communication, a lighter side of communication. Humor is the experience of incongruity. In one's environment the incongruity may be experienced when someone falls down in a situation when they are not expected to fall down, or the incongruity can be between concepts, thoughts, or ideas often illustrated by the punch line of a joke or the caption of a cartoon.James Thurberhas stated, "Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquillity." This occurs frequently when people are experiencing a crisis, and at some later time the crisis situation is perceived as humorous.
The experience of the "forbidden" (laughing in church), or "getting away with" something (often seen with children) is often experienced as humorous...Humor is comprised of three components: wit, mirth, and laughter.
Wit is the cognitive experience,
mirth the emotional experience, and
laughter the physiological experience.
We often equate laughter with humor, but you do not need to laugh to experience humor. As individuals we tend to experience humor by either "getting it" (which tends to be cognitive or intellectual response), by feeling it (which tends to be an emotional response), or by laughing at it (which is more of a physiological response). There is a wide range of life's experiences that are experienced as humorous. Humor is essential to mental health for several reasons.
First, it assists us to connect with others. Our needs to affiliate with others is enhanced through humor.
Second,humor reduces stress by assisting us to view the world with perspective. Humor shifts the ways in which we think, and distress is greatly associated with the way we think. It is not situations that generate our stress, it is the meaning we place on the situations. Humor adjusts the meaning so that the event is not so powerful. Shakespeare has said, "Nothing is good or bad. It is thinking that makes it so."
Third, humor helps us by replacing distressing emotions with pleasurable feelings. Humor and distressing emotions cannot occupy the same psychological space. You cannot feel angry, depressed, anxious, guilty, or resentful and experience humor at the same time. Most of us have experienced a time when we have been angry and someone, while in the throws of our being angry, does or says something humorous. A typical response is, "Don't make me laugh. I want to be angry." Intuitively we know that we cannot maintain distress and experience humor simultaneously.
Fourth, humor changes how we behave, when we experience humor we talk more, make more eye contact with others, touch others, etc. Humor increases energy, and with increased energy we may perform activities that we might otherwise avoid.
Fifth, humor changes our biochemical state by decreasing stress hormones and increasing infection fighting antibodies. It increases our attentiveness, heart rate, and pulse.
Finally, humor is good for mental health because it feels good!
Enjoy this funny yet intelligent man in this beer ad.
Stance, glance & advance. Is she available? Is the face worth saving? Pick-ups, AC & DC. Choose your posture. Looks & brilliance doesn't matters muchin getting a girl...Something far more superior... The unconscious command of body language. When a man saunters into a room he signals his message. ' I'm available, I'm masculine. I'm aggressive & knowledgeable.' & when he zeroes in on his chosen subject, the signals go, ' I'mint rested in you. You attract me. There's something exciting about you & i want to find out what is it.'
Appeal, non-verbal clarity, is compounded on many things. His appearance to transmit his message. There is, when you look at him carefully, a definite sexuality about him. 'Of course,' A knowing woman will say, 'His a very sexy man.' But sexy how? Not in his features. Pressed further, the woman will explain, 'it's something about him, something he has, a sort of aura.'
It's actually nothing of the sort, nothing so vague as an aura. In part it's the way he dresses, the type of trousers he chooses, his shirts & jackets & ties, the way he combs his hair, the length of his sideburns - these all contribute to the immediate picture, but even more important than this is the way he stands & walks.One woman describe it as an 'easy grace'.A man who knew him was not so kind, 'He's greasy'. What came through as pleasing to the women was transmitted as disturbing, challenging & therefore distasteful to the man, & hence reacted by characterizing the quality contemptuously. Yet, he does move with grace, an arrogant sort of grace that could well arouse a man's envy & a woman's excitement. The message can be broken down into his stance, postures, & the easy confidence of his motion. The man who has that walk needs little less else to turn a woman's head. Even little gestures perhaps unconscious ones, that send out elaborations of his sexual message.
When He leans against a mantelpiece in a room to look around at the women, his hips are thrust forwards slightly, as if they were cantilevered, & his legs are usually apart. There is something in this stance that spells sex. Watch him when he stand like this. He will lock his thumbs in his belt right above the pockets, & his fingers will point down towards his genitals. A posture commonly seen in Western movies, where the sexy & bad villainpasteurizes. On a Minor scale compare to such movie villains, the message sends out is the same:
' I am a sexual threat. I am a dangerous man for a woman to be alone with. I am all man and I want you!'
Language as we all know is a frustrating, confusing yet interesting & en terning. Why? Language consisted of grammars, nouns, verbs, adverbs, clauses...etc. Can we acknowledge that we truly know what we are saying & transmitting the signals to other people? Body Language betrays & tells what's real & what's a hoax. How?
Our body is the message we use to signal & communicate through daily life either unconsciously or consciously. Clinical studies have revealed the extend to which body language can actually contradict verbal communications. A classic example is a young woman who told her psychiatrist that she loved her boyfriend very much while nodding her head from side to side in subconscious denial.
The unconscious widening of the pupil when the eyes sees something pleasant indicates interest. Research shown that the pupil of a normal man's eye becomes twice as largewhen he sees a picture of a nude woman. Body language can include any non-reflexive or reflexive moment of a part, or all of the body, used by a person to communicate an emotional message to the outside world.
In a city such as New York where a girl can expect almost anything, especially at a cocktail party, she learns to send out a message saying 'hands off'. To do so, she will stand rigidly, cross her legs demurely when sitting, cross her arms over her chest & use other such defensive gestures. The point of every situation there must be two elements to body language, the delivery of the message & the reception of the message.
Watch the girl's gesture & the misinterpretations of the man.
How do we humans communicate? well we communicate using many different type of ways.. sign languages, body languages, etc, etc... but what im talking about now is the way we speak.. there are so many types of languages around these days.. and how can we learn all of them and talk to each other? this is where the language of all languages come in.. =.=
The English Language... one of the most well known language around the world... Basically, almost everyone in the world uses this language nowadays... Without it we can die.. As i sit here right now eating my cheeseburger.. i remembered this newspaper ad... to be precise.. the news straight times ad on tv... where this 'kuai po' asked directions for the monument and those group of school children didnt know wth she was talking about.... See how god damn important this language is? It's like a chain or something that helps link us together..
This English thing can be one thing that keeps us together.. HOWEVER it can also be the one to break us apart... You may be best friends with someone for more than 10 years.. but if you just say something wrong.. even a word.. that friendship can fall apart in an instant..
NOW FEAR THE POWER OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE!!! and choose what to say carefully as languages or words can be or i would say th MOST powerful weapon on earth..
Have you ever try not to let anyone knows about your inner thought? Something that you wouldn’t wish and afraid of to let anyone knows about it. Something that you wish it lays and sinks into the bottom of your heart.
However if that little something bothers you and it is way too heavy for you to carry on or it has mount up and turn into a burden for you. You might just want to find a door way to get rid of it or else it will eventually become a disaster. In my point of view, there should be a door in you to load and unload stuff, just like a cycle of in and out.
Hence, the only and most effective way to tilt the clock right is to communicate. Try to talk to someone and let the hard feelings that has suppresses you for a long time to go off. When burden is shared, lighter will you be.
As instructed by our lecturer, four of us are suppose to create a blog for our human communication subject and here it is and here we are. Our group member consist of Christopher, Joshua, Samuel and Melcolm. First of all, let's talk about the name of the blog that we choose. The reason why the name of our blog is humanpowwow is because powwow means a private conference or meeting held by a group of people and so we thought of since all four of us are sharing a blog and we need to have discussion before posting any relevant issues about human com here, we uses powwow as the last name of our URL. As for human this word is being used because the word human are strongly connected and related to our subjext course's name. And so here is our blog for the first post.
Communication? Er.. its talking? A lot of people really don’t have a clue on what communication is. To some people communication may be just a form of exchanging data. Comuncation is actually much more than merely just exchanging information. Here are some different definitions for the word communication in many different websites. 1) Communication is a process that allows organisms to exchange information by several methods 2) a connection allowing access between persons or places 3) Any form of expressive contact, and includes oral, written or electronic communication
Personally, we think that communication is an act of us humans to get to know ourselves and also to express ourselves. Everyone communicates, every living thing on this planet communicate in many different ways. Communication history goes a long way back. Even our caveman ancestors communicate. As mankind evolves, our communication has also improved.
Even our communication devices have evolved to enable us to communicate more efficiently. These days, communication can be done so easily, from SMS-es, to e-mailing. People from all over the world can communicate just by clicking a button.
Can you ever imagine if we never communicate? Its like we pass people everyday but not say a single word. If this really happens, there would be only 2 outcomes.. one is which we will be bored to death, or 2, we would be so bottled up and eventually die. Get the idea of how important communication is?
So that's all from us !! Please stay tune for more updates on Human Communication Related Topics as our blog would be informative =]